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05.01.21 Weekly Wrap Up

The last week of whale watching aboard the Legacy gave brought us amazing encounters with Humpback Whales and Fin Whales, along with sightings of Common Dolphin, Risso’s Dolphin, and Bottlenose Dolphin.

Last Wednesday, we came across a cow-calf pair of Humpback Whales. The calf was very curious about the boat and approached us multiple times, swimming right along side us and rolling onto its side. Meanwhile the mother whale was keeping a watchful eye a little further away. Mama Humpback was one of the largest whales we have seen all year. Her size was most noticeable when the two reunited and resumed their leisurely swimming.

This past Friday, we saw 4 Fin Whales, grouped in twos. This amazing whales are the second largest baleen whale in the ocean, second only to the Blue Whale, which is largest animal to ever have lived on Earth. We followed one duo for a while, as they would lounge for a couple surface intervals, then race off. We rejoined the second duo, which had a huge Fin Whale, towards the end of the trip.

Common Dolphin